Copying files and Directories
[root@localhost ~]# cp <option> <source> <destination>
Example :- To copy a file
[root@localhost ~]# cp completereport /opt
To check if the file has been copied
[root@localhost ~]# cd /opt
[root@localhost ~]# ls
Example :- To copy a directory
[root@localhost ~]# cp -r directory1/ /opt/
To check if the directory has been copied
[root@localhost ~]# cd /opt
[root@localhost ~]# ls
completereport directory1
Moving files and directories
Syntax :-
[root@localhost ~]# mv <option> <source> <destination>
Example :- To Move a file
[root@localhost ~]# salesreport /opt
To check if the file has been moved
completereport directory1 salesreport
Example :- To move a directory
[root@localhost ~]# mv dir1 /opt
To check if the directory has been moved
[root@localhost ~]# cd /opt
[root@localhost ~]# ls
completereport directory1 dir1 salesreport
Renaming files and directories
Syntax :-
[root@localhost ~]# mv <old name> <new name>
Example :- To rename a file
[root@localhost ~]# mv completereport fullreport
To check if the file has been Renamed
[root@localhost ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg file1 install.log savap-install.log
Desktop file2 install.log.syslog sav-install.log
directory1 file3 mktgreport savjlu-install.log
directory2 file4 POOL.log savui-install.log
directory3 fullreport POOL.logpid
directory4 glassfish3 salesreport
Deleting an empty directory
Syntax :-
[root@localhost ~]# rmdir <directory name>
Example :- To delete an empty directory
[root@localhost ~]# rmdir directory2
To check if the directory has been deleted
anaconda-ks.cfg file2 install.log.syslog sav-install.log
Desktop file3 mktgreport savjlu-install.log
directory1 file4 POOL.log savui-install.log
directory3 fullreport POOL.logpid
directory4 glassfish3 salesreport
file1 install.log savap-install.log
Deleting a file or directory
Syntax :-
[root@localhost ~]# rm <option> <file or directory>
Options :
-r -- recursive
-f -- forcefully
Example :- To delete a file
[root@localhost ~]# rm file4
rm: remove regular empty file `file4'? y
To check if the file has been deleted
[root@localhost ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg file1 install.log salesreport
Desktop file2 install.log.syslog savap-install.log
directory1 file3 mktgreport sav-install.log
directory3 fullreport POOL.log savjlu-install.log
directory4 glassfish3 POOL.logpid savui-install.log
To delete a file forcefully
[root@localhost ~]# rm -f mktgreport
To check if the file has been deleted
[root@localhost ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg file1 install.log savap-install.log
Desktop file2 install.log.syslog sav-install.log
directory1 file3 POOL.log savjlu-install.log
directory3 fullreport POOL.logpid savui-install.log
directory4 glassfish3 salesreport
Example :- To delete a directory
[root@localhost ~]# cd /opt
[root@localhost ~]# rm -rf dir1
To check if the directory has been deleted
[root@localhost ~]# ls
completereport directory1 salesreport
To view the system date and time
[root@localhost ~]# date
Wed Aug 24 20:34:34 IST 2011
To change the system date and time
Syntax :-
[root@localhost ~]# date -s "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss"
[root@localhost ~]#date -s "07/15/2009 00:06:00"
Wed Jul 15 00:06:00 IST 2009
[root@localhost ~]# cp <option> <source> <destination>
Example :- To copy a file
[root@localhost ~]# cp completereport /opt
To check if the file has been copied
[root@localhost ~]# cd /opt
[root@localhost ~]# ls
Example :- To copy a directory
[root@localhost ~]# cp -r directory1/ /opt/
To check if the directory has been copied
[root@localhost ~]# cd /opt
[root@localhost ~]# ls
completereport directory1
Moving files and directories
Syntax :-
[root@localhost ~]# mv <option> <source> <destination>
Example :- To Move a file
[root@localhost ~]# salesreport /opt
To check if the file has been moved
completereport directory1 salesreport
Example :- To move a directory
[root@localhost ~]# mv dir1 /opt
To check if the directory has been moved
[root@localhost ~]# cd /opt
[root@localhost ~]# ls
completereport directory1 dir1 salesreport
Renaming files and directories
Syntax :-
[root@localhost ~]# mv <old name> <new name>
Example :- To rename a file
[root@localhost ~]# mv completereport fullreport
To check if the file has been Renamed
[root@localhost ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg file1 install.log savap-install.log
Desktop file2 install.log.syslog sav-install.log
directory1 file3 mktgreport savjlu-install.log
directory2 file4 POOL.log savui-install.log
directory3 fullreport POOL.logpid
directory4 glassfish3 salesreport
Deleting an empty directory
Syntax :-
[root@localhost ~]# rmdir <directory name>
Example :- To delete an empty directory
[root@localhost ~]# rmdir directory2
To check if the directory has been deleted
anaconda-ks.cfg file2 install.log.syslog sav-install.log
Desktop file3 mktgreport savjlu-install.log
directory1 file4 POOL.log savui-install.log
directory3 fullreport POOL.logpid
directory4 glassfish3 salesreport
file1 install.log savap-install.log
Deleting a file or directory
Syntax :-
[root@localhost ~]# rm <option> <file or directory>
Options :
-r -- recursive
-f -- forcefully
Example :- To delete a file
[root@localhost ~]# rm file4
rm: remove regular empty file `file4'? y
To check if the file has been deleted
[root@localhost ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg file1 install.log salesreport
Desktop file2 install.log.syslog savap-install.log
directory1 file3 mktgreport sav-install.log
directory3 fullreport POOL.log savjlu-install.log
directory4 glassfish3 POOL.logpid savui-install.log
To delete a file forcefully
[root@localhost ~]# rm -f mktgreport
To check if the file has been deleted
[root@localhost ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg file1 install.log savap-install.log
Desktop file2 install.log.syslog sav-install.log
directory1 file3 POOL.log savjlu-install.log
directory3 fullreport POOL.logpid savui-install.log
directory4 glassfish3 salesreport
Example :- To delete a directory
[root@localhost ~]# cd /opt
[root@localhost ~]# rm -rf dir1
To check if the directory has been deleted
[root@localhost ~]# ls
completereport directory1 salesreport
To view the system date and time
[root@localhost ~]# date
Wed Aug 24 20:34:34 IST 2011
To change the system date and time
Syntax :-
[root@localhost ~]# date -s "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss"
[root@localhost ~]#date -s "07/15/2009 00:06:00"
Wed Jul 15 00:06:00 IST 2009
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